USC Dornsife College Of Letters Arts and Sciences

University of Southern California



Technology, Innovation, and Thriving Congregations: Changing our Mindset

The COVID pandemic has highlighted the contingent nature of the ability of the local congregation to survive, let alone thrive. As limitations on meeting in person have been instituted, most congregations have …

Election Dissection: Understanding Faith and Politics in the 2020 Presidential Election

The November 2020 US Presidential election marked the end of the Trump presidency. The election also revealed new shifts in the way that Americans vote and self-identify in electoral politics. What does …

Spiritual Protest: The Role of Faith in the Fight for Racial Justice

Hebah Farrag, assistant director of research at the USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture, discusses the intersection of religion and Black Lives Matter. Panelists: Kim Jackson, entrepreneur, co-owner “We Be Grubbin” …

Critical Conversations: Public Transportation in a Pandemic

The USC Cecil Murray Center for Community Engagement presents Phillip A. Washington, CEO of Metro, in conversation with the Murray Center’s Najuma Smith-Pollard and Frank Jackson, Jr. Find out how Washington has …

Adaptive Approaches to Congregational Leadership

Quentin P. Kinnison (Fresno Pacific University) speaks on reimagining congregational leadership from a problem-solving approach to an adaptive approach that partners with congregants as together they face challenges and pursue new opportunities. …

Dornsife Dialogues: The Truth of Being Black in America

What are the ways that the health and lives of some Americans are in jeopardy simply because they’re black? And what can we do to help change that? As part of Dornsife …

NBCLA’s Virtual Town Hall: Najuma Smith-Pollard on Fighting for Real Reform and Solutions Against Racism

Rev. Najuma Smith-Pollard, program manager for the USC Cecil Murray Center for Community Engagement, participated as a panelist for NBCLA’s Virtual Town Hall, “The Time is Now: Rooting Out Racism.” The conversation …

Faith & Politics: Leadership in the Time of COVID-19

The USC Cecil Murray Center for Community Engagement’s hosts a conversation with two of its alumni about how they are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Featuring: Dr. Michael Fisher, Greater Zion Church …

Religious Leadership in the Face of COVID-19: A Multifaith Discussion

In this multifaith discussion, Los Angeles-area religious leaders discuss the challenges—personal and professional—of guiding a community through pandemic. What do the religious spring holidays tell us about this moment? What is the …

Tuenjai Deetes: Helping the Stateless in Thailand

This video was published in DW Women, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality.  

Catholic Sisters Initiative Grantee Reporting Webinar

This video was part of a webinar for grantees of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation’s Catholic Sisters Initiative. The video explains the key indicators of progress for its strategy and how grantees …

September 1, 2002: “It Ain’t About You, Brother or Sister” — Rev. Cecil Murray

“Put God first, put your neighbor second and yourself third,” Rev. Cecil Murray says in this sermon about resisting the natural temptation to always put yourself first. Self-surrender leads to self-discovery. Self-surrender …

October 31, 2004: “God Shows Up, God Shows Out” — Rev. Cecil Murray

“When you are outside of you comfort zone, God sees you. God not only sees you outside the comfort zone, God saves you,” Rev. Murray tells his congregation. When nothing is working …

October 24, 2004: “When This Tent is Taken Down” — Rev. Cecil Murray

In this sermon, Rev. Murray reminds us that God will always be here for us, even when we lose what we have. He says the difference between a house and a home …

October 22, 2000: “He Knows How Much We Can Bear” — Rev. Cecil Murray

In this sermon, Rev. Murray addresses hard times when it can seem like God is very distant. Rev. Murray encourages his congregation to continue to trust in God while rediscovering the older, …

October 17, 2004: “Paying for Your Show” – Rev. Cecil Murray

In this sermon, Rev. Murray talks about paying dues in life. He tells his congregation that it is healthy to be mad about things that have gone wrong, but not to lose …

October 14, 1998: “Hating Me Until You Need Me” — Rev. Cecil Murray

In this sermon, Rev. Murray talks about anger as a natural product of struggle and human relationships. He reminds his congregation that even when you are broken or empty, God is always …

October 1, 1995: “Healing First, Hugging Second” — Rev. Cecil Murray

In this sermon, delivered as the OJ Simpson murder trial was ending, Cecil Murray preaches on inequality, and how blame is placed on communities of color for the consequences of crimes committed …

October 1, 1995: “Fighting Without and Fears Within” – Rev. Cecil Murray

In this sermon, Rev. Murray addresses many issues in society surrounding racial inequality. “Until there is justice for everybody,” he says, “there is justice for nobody.” He encourages his congregation to stand …

November 15, 1998: “Confusion or Delusion” — Rev. Cecil Murray

In this sermon, Rev. Murray addresses the need for humility and the temptations of showing off. “Everybody has something, and your something is no better than the other person’s something!” He says …