USC Dornsife College Of Letters Arts and Sciences

University of Southern California

How religion was overrun by journalism

The Star Tribune quoted Richard Flory, CRCC director of research, about the role of journalists throughout history. What happened? While a variety of factors contributed to religion’s decline as a cultural authority …

Singapore newspaper quotes Don Miller’s book

The Straits Times (Singapore) cited the book “Global Pentecostalism” by Donald Miller of the USC College and colleague Tetsunao Yamamori, who spent four years visiting churches in 20 countries. (available via subscription …

Waking Up in Singapore

The Jewish Journal ran an op-ed by Reuven Firestone, CRCC senior fellow, about Islam in Singapore. Firestone attended an international conference there which focused on the ways in which modern-day Muslims want …

How Religion Strengthens Community

Zócalo quoted Richard Flory, a senior research associate at the USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture, about how faith builds stronger communities in a section called “Answering the ultimate questions.” Specifically, …

“The Real Story of Halloween” on the History Channel

Lisa Bitel, professor of religion and member of the Interdisciplinary Research Group, appeared on this History Channel TV special, talking about the Celtic roots of the holiday. Description from History Channel: Halloween …