“Joy Comes in the Morning” is a workbook with 14 sermons delivered by the Rev. Dr. Cecil “Chip” Murray at First African Methodist Episcopal Church (FAME) in Los Angeles. It is part of the Murray Archive—a project of the USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture, in partnership with FAME, to make Pastor Murray’s prophetic social witness available to a new generation of activists, pastors and scholars.
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These sermons were preached more than 25 years ago, but are still powerfully applicable today. Reflection questions following each sermon will help the reader make connections to their own context and ministry.
Pastor Murray, who passed away on April 5, 2024, showed us that faith leaders can create positive social change. His example – his ability to critique injustice and call us to action – is as relevant as ever. While Pastor Murray’s sermons offer a model for Christian preachers specifically, we believe his words will inspire, comfort and motivate all who encounter them.
The sermons highlight in this small sampling of Pastor Murray’s homiletics touch on several key moments in the recent history of Los Angeles: the civil unrest of 1992, the death of Mayor Tom Bradley, the racial and religious fault lines revealed during the O.J. Simpson trial and the tumult of 9/11. Sermons on more mundane topics—Mother’s Day and child-rearing, for example—also capture the distinctive combination of moral remonstrance, social critique and comfort for the afflicted that characterized Pastor Murray’s ministry at FAME.
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Interested in a printed copy of the workbook? We have a limited number of printed copies. While supplies last, they are available for a suggested donation of $50 or more to cover our costs. Make a donation and email crcc@usc.edu to request a workbook.
Find out more about the Rev. Dr. Cecil L. Murray Archive: crcc.usc.edu/murray-archive. Additional sermons also will be available through the USC Digital Library.