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Juan Martínez is associate provost for diversity and international programs, the academic director of the Hispanic Center and associate professor of Hispanic Studies and Pastoral Leadership at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California. He is an ordained Mennonite Brethren pastor. His academic work focuses on Latino Protestantism in the United States. He is particularly interested in Latino Protestant identity in the midst of acculturation and how that impacts Protestant understandings of church and pastoral ministry. Juan has been a pastor, church planter, director of a Bible institute and rector of a seminary in Guatemala.
His expanding research foci are taking the Latino Protestant experience and studying issues of intercultural church life, transnationalism and mission, and immigrant identity formation and the role of the church in that process. His public ministry is currently focusing on immigration reform.
Most recently Martínez published the books: Los Protestantes: Latino Protestantism in the United States (2011); Churches, Cultures & Leadership A Practical Theology of Congregations and Ethnicities (with Mark Lau Branson, 2011); and Walk with the People Latino Ministry in the United States/Caminando entre el pueblo Ministerio latino en los Estados Unidos (2008). He co-edited Los Evangélicos Portraits of Latino Protestantism in the United States with Lindy Scott (2009 English, 2004 Spanish); and Vivir y servir desde el exilio with Jorge Maldonado (2008). He was also a regional editor of IVP’s Global Dictionary of Theology (2008).