USC Dornsife College Of Letters Arts and Sciences

University of Southern California

Maureen Day, Ph.D., is the Associate Professor of Religion and Society at the Franciscan School of Theology. She is an award-winning author, and her books and articles can be found in both Catholic and academic publications, including Catholic Activism Today: Individual Transformation and the Struggle for Social Justice (NYU Press 2020) and Young Adult American Catholics: Explaining Vocation in Their Own Words (Paulist Press 2018).

As a sociologist with training in theology, her teaching and research areas include religion in American civic life, Catholicism, family, and social ethics. Her current co-authored book project, Catholicism’s Crossroads (NYU Press Forthcoming), reports the findings from a national survey of American Catholics and interviews with nearly sixty Catholic leaders through the themes of church, authority, race, sex and family, citizenship and future.

Click here to learn more about Maureen’s work.

Maureen Day