USC Dornsife College Of Letters Arts and Sciences

University of Southern California

Thriving Congregations: A Series on Leadership

Thriving Congregations: A Series on Leadership

Thriving Congregations: A Series on Leadership

The USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture supports faith leaders as they seek to reimagine their ministries and help their congregations thrive in a time of significant religious and social change. This series will help you consider your own leadership style, the state of your organization and the needs of your community.

You may attend one or all events.

Location in Long Beach will be shared with registered attendees.

The Long Beach Church Collective and Biola University’s Rosemead School of Psychology are partners with CRCC on Thriving Congregations, Thriving Leaders, of which this series is a part. 

Setting Up Your Organization to Thrive

Monday, March 24, 2025
10 am – 11:30 am
Refreshments served at 9:30 am
Location in Long Beach will be shared with registered attendees.

RSVP here

Want to launch a community initiative? 

Join us to learn how to conduct organizational and congregational assessments. These processes will allow you to better understand your faith community’s needs and assets.

Rev. Frank Jackson, Jr. of Village Solutions Foundation brings his legal, ministry and nonprofit background to this workshop and offers faith leaders practical tools and guidance. He will also share context on new federal policies on partnerships with faith organizations.

Assess how your congregation or faith organization can make its greatest impact.

RSVP via Paperless Post

Flourishing in Ministry

Saturday, April 26, 2025
10 am – 11:30 am
*Note Saturday schedule. We especially welcome bi-vocational clergy at this session.

RSVP here

Join us to learn about how to flourish in ministry with a model of daily wellbeing, resilience, thriving and authenticity.

The Flourishing in Ministry project examines what motivates pastors to engage in ministry—and what disrupts their wellbeing. Clergy—often working with lean resources—can give so much to others and experience a sense of fulfillment and growth in their daily work lives. 

Psychologist Chris Adams directs the Mental Health and theChurch Initiative at the Rosemead School. 

RSVP via Paperless Post

Previous Sessions

The Jazz of Leadership

Monday, July 29, 2024

Find your groove and create harmony on your team. 

If you want your congregation’s work in the world to be more than background Muzak, you need to know how to lead like Duke Ellington. Enjoy live jazz music along with leadership lessons from Ronald McCurdy, professor of music at the USC Thornton School of Music, and Ken Perlman, adjunct professor of management and organization at the USC Marshall School of Business.

Navigating by Your North Star

Monday, September 23, 2024

Guide your organization and stay on course – even through troubled waters.

USC Marshall School of Business professor Ken Perlman will help faith leaders set the direction of their congregations, think strategically and lead change. He will bring his experience navigating challenges as a business consultant and a lay congregational leader in his own faith community. Perlman presented as part of the Jazz of Leadership in July. This session will build upon and follow up with conversations that arose during July’s session. All are welcome, regardless of attendance at the Jazz of Leadership.

Assessing Your Community

Monday, October 28, 2024

Lead your organization to meet your community’s needs.

How well does your congregation know and engage with its neighbors and serve their needs? Learn how to conduct a community assessment from Michael Mata, director of network engagement and leadership development with TogetherLA. Mata has dedicated over three decades to designing and administering community and faith-based urban programs and directed the Transformational Urban Leadership program at Azusa Pacific Seminary.

Wellness and Wellbeing: Caring for Self and Community

Monday, January 27, 2025

Watch videos from this session

Anyone can experience burn out – pastors, preachers and even volunteers. Leaders can help their congregations thrive by maintaining their own wellbeing and helping their teams do so as well.

Experts in mental and physical health will share their perspectives and practical exercises to support your wellbeing and engage with your members on wellness issues.

We will address how congregations can respond to personal and collective traumas, such as our recent tragedies.


  • Dr. Kimiko Yamada, a USC professor of physical therapy, is an expert in community health education. 
  • Bishop Byron L. Smith Sr. is a clinical therapist and pastor who has completed over 3,000 mental health clinical face-to-face hours. 

Join us to find out how to be resilient for yourself and for others.

Youth and Elders: Fostering Intergenerational Connections

Monday, February 24, 2025
10 am – 12:30 am PDT
Refreshments served at 9:30 am
Location in Long Beach will be shared with registered attendees.

Many congregations are aging along with their members. Young adults’ religious participation is declining, even as they yearn for meaning and connection with other generations.

Experts in aging and religion will speak to the needs and desires of people across stages of life. We will discuss practical ways that congregational leaders can reach more people of all ages and bring them together.


  • Richard Flory has written multiple books about youth and young adults based on the National Study of Youth and Religion. 
  • Gretchen Alkema is a nationally recognized expert in health and aging, with more than 30 years of experience in care systems to improve the lives of older adults and their family caregivers.
  • Rev. Melinda Dodge will provide a practitioner’s perspective on bringing together an intergenerational community through Being the Church, Long Beach.

Join us to bridge generations and create stronger, more connected communities.

*This event is also a required session for CRCC Compelling Preaching cohort.