USC Dornsife College Of Letters Arts and Sciences

University of Southern California



A Year of Crisis and Opportunity: 2024 Trends in Religion and Society

In CRCC’s annual trends post last year, we wrote about surviving, if not thriving. We write this year’s trends with a special place in our hearts for CRCC’s senior editor Nick Street, …

Thriving (or Just Surviving): 2023 Trends to Watch in Religion and Society

If CRCC’s annual trends to watch have been growing more ominous in recent years, then 2023 feels like a pivotal year for many of the issues we’ve been tracking:  Like our final …

Pandemic Year 3 Predictions: Adjusting to New “Normals” in 2022

Since 2016, CRCC has shared the trends in religion and society that we see shaping the coming year. What started as light-hearted predictions has grown more ominous over the years. Anybody surprised …

Predictions 2021: An Uphill Struggle

As we do around this time each new year, we at the USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture (CRCC) are going to make some predictions for 2021. Even though the world …

The Roaring 20s: Religion Trends to Watch in 2020 and the Next Decade 

The 1920s was a decade of change, and we see the 2020s as reminiscent of the cultural flux of that period. When people think of the 1920s, many imagine a golden era …

Medicine, Masculinity and Marketing: Trends to Watch in Religion in 2019

In the past year, we have seen our 2018 trends to watch come to fruition with stories of the supernatural, trust in institutions, activist healers, faith-based political organizing and women stepping up …

Evangelicalism Is *Still* in Crisis – An Update on 2017 Trends to Watch

In our 2017 religion trends to watch, one of our snarky headlines read: “New Species of Evangelicals Discovered.” As we pointed out under the headline, the divisions in Evangelicalism have long existed. …

The Liminal Year: 5 Trends to Watch in Religion in 2018

2018 is a liminal year in America, and with transition comes uncertainty. It is the year of key midterm elections, the results of which are difficult to predict. A major investigation continues …

Five Trends to Watch in Religion in 2017: Culture Wars, Compounds & the Next Reformation

2016 was a year that no one could predict. Last year, we laid out several religion trends worth noting. To see how our forecasts matched with reality, give them a review. The unpredictable nature …

The Top Five Religion Trends to Watch in 2016

From the rise of evangelical hipsters to the rise of religious “nones,” religion is in a period of flux as we end one year and look forward to the next. Here at …

Ten Predictions for Religion in 2012

Donald Miller, Firestone Professor of Religion and executive director of the Center for Religion and Civic Culture, offers ten predictions for 2012 and the rest of the decade. 1. Religion will be …