USC Dornsife College Of Letters Arts and Sciences

University of Southern California



Environmental Justice and Spiritual Exemplars

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Holistic Resilience: Why Some Spiritual Exemplars Question Suffering as a Path to Resilience

When CRCC’s “Spiritual Exemplars Project” team was invited to present about “resilience,” it was easy to think of many examples within our sample of 100+ spiritually engaged humanitarians who had endured and …

The Spirit of World-Changers: Lessons from the Field

The Spiritual Exemplars Project (SEP), funded by a grant from the Templeton Religion Trust, has spent the last two years collecting stories of individuals who are inspired by their faith or spiritual …

Rachel Sumekh: The Young Jewish Woman Of Color Leading America’s Effort To End Hunger On College Campuses

This article was originally published in Religion Unplugged, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality.  I first met Rachel Sumekh in August 2019 on the ground floor of a glimmering high …

Spiritual Protest: The Role of Faith in the Fight for Racial Justice

Hebah Farrag, assistant director of research at the USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture, discusses the intersection of religion and Black Lives Matter. Panelists: Kim Jackson, entrepreneur, co-owner “We Be Grubbin” …

Far from Being Anti-Religious, Faith and Spirituality Run Deep in Black Lives Matter

This article was originally published on The Conversation, and was written with Ann Gleig. Black Lives Matters (BLM) has been portrayed by its detractors as many things: Marxist, radical, anti-American. Added to …

The Fight for Black Lives is a Spiritual Movement

This article was originally published in the Berkley Forum as an editorial response to “Religion and Racial Justice: The George Floyd Protests.” A circle of flowers forms a sanctuary honoring the space …

Critical Conversations on Activism, Online and Off

With so many Americans across the country seeking to get their voices heard both in the streets and on social media this week, CRCC is hosting a conversation about what it means …

Sexual Assault During Hajj: Will #MosqueMeToo Lead to Reforms in Mecca?

In February of 2018, inspired by the #MeToo movement, Muslim women took to social media to describe sexual harassment and assault in the holiest shrines of the Islamic faith: the Kaabah in …

Transitions: New Spiritual Community in Black Radical Organizing

Abstract: Competing voices within spiritual groups help to create boundaries of belonging within and beyond the group by articulating notions of identity and meaning that are based in history, myth and gender, …

In Trump Era, Young Muslims Question Respectability Politics of Mosques

This article originally appeared on Religion Dispatches. Possibly this week, President Trump might sign yet another executive order, this time restricting entry to the United States from majority Muslim countries [read a draft …

What We Know – And What We Don’t Know – After 20 Years of Charitable Choice

This post is adapted from a longer white paper on 20 years of Charitable Choice. Twenty years ago, President Bill Clinton enacted the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996 …

Charitable Choice: A Bibliography

With the passage of welfare reform in 1996, the United States government instituted the “Charitable Choice” provision, leading to, for the first time, direct funding of religious organizations to provide social services. …

The Habit and the Hijab: An Exploration on Sacred Dress

Not all nuns look the same. As a Muslim American with very little exposure to Catholicism, I recently have learned about the diversity of Catholic sisters. This basic lesson has proven to …

My Clock Story: How Accusations Against Muslim Americans Do Harm

A few weeks before I graduated as an undergrad from USC, a false complaint was lodged against me with the dean of my school. A fellow student claimed that I was plotting …

The Role of the Spirit in #BlackLivesMatter Movement

This post originally appeared on Religion Dispatches and was republished by On Being with Krista Tippett. As the nation mourned the deaths of nine murdered at Emanuel AME Church last week, the …

Muslims and Jews in America: Commonalities, Contentions, and Complexities

Muslims and Jews in America: Commonalities, Contentions, and Complexities Reza Aslan and Aaron J. Hahn Tapper, editors (Palgrave Macmillan: 2011)           This book is an exploration of contemporary …

Outcomes Measurement in the Human Services: Cross-Cutting Issues and Methods

Outcomes Measurement in the Human Services, 2nd Ed.: Cross-Cutting Issues and Methods in the Era of Health Reform Jennifer L. Magnabosco and Ronald W. Manderscheid, Editors (NASW Press: 2011)       …