USC Dornsife College Of Letters Arts and Sciences

University of Southern California



Muslim Women Create A Mosque of Their Own in Los Angeles

This post originally appeared on Religion Dispatches. The day before the inaugural jumma, Friday congregational prayer, at the Women’s Mosque of America, M. Hasna Maznavi, who serves as the project’s President, was …

Mile of Miracles: A Microcosm of L.A.’s Religious Diversity

The processes of spiritual seeking, discovering and creating are constantly shaping and reshaping the religious landscape of Los Angeles. Far from being a godless metropolis, L.A. is one of the most religiously …

Want to Build a More Resilient City? Bring Faith to the Table

Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti recently announced his commitment to hire a Chief Resilience Officer, who will be tasked with increasing the city’s ability to recover from man-made and natural disasters. This …

The Tidal Wave of Indifference: I Don’t Church, I Brunch

A lot has been written recently about the spiritual-but-not-religious crowd, or the “religious nones”–people who have no particular religious affiliation–and how their numbers are rapidly growing in the U.S. Recent reports place …

Religion and Public Diplomacy

Religion and Public Diplomacy Philip Seib, editor (Palgrave Macmillan: 2013)       Religion and Public Diplomacy discusses the volatile consequences that can be a result of mixing religion, new communications technologies …

Faith Community’s Call to Action: 20 Years After the L.A. Riots

Brie Loskota testified at a public hearing hosted by Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa and the Los Angeles City Human Relations Commission. The event, “L.A. Civil Unrest: A Community Blueprint for the Next 20 …

Movies, Money and Morality

This post originally appeared on Trans-Missions, the USC Knight Chair in Media and Religion site. When I was a kid the Movieguide newsletter would arrive and, if I was quick enough, I …

Black History Month: Looking Foward, Looking Back

This post originally appeared on Trans-Missions, the USC Knight Chair in Media and Religion site. At the beginning of Black History month we were greeted with tragic news: Don Cornelius, the founder …

Nothing Sparks a Movement Like an Adversary (and Some Bad PR)

This post originally appeared on Trans/Missions, the USC Knight Chair in Media and Religion site. When TLC first aired “All-American Muslim,” the show met with some harsh criticism from within the Muslim …

Religion’s Uneasy Place: Religious Engagement vs. Religious Freedom in American Public Affairs and Public Diplomacy

CRCC Managing Director Brie Loskota delivered the following as her concluding keynote address at the 8th Annual American Studies Network Conference at Northeast Normal University in Changchun, China, in September. Download “Religion’s …

End Times, Part Deux

This post originally appeared on Trans-Missions, the USC Knight Chair in Media and Religion site. It’s about that time again. Not for a new social-protest movement to pop up, or for someone …

Outcomes Measurement in the Human Services: Cross-Cutting Issues and Methods

Outcomes Measurement in the Human Services, 2nd Ed.: Cross-Cutting Issues and Methods in the Era of Health Reform Jennifer L. Magnabosco and Ronald W. Manderscheid, Editors (NASW Press: 2011)       …

Religion and Politics, by the Numbers

This post originally appeared on Trans/Missions, the USC Knight Chair in Media and Religion blog. The great American political experiment has passed many milestones along the path toward a more inclusive society. …

How Can Public Officials Engage With Religion? Faith and Diplomacy Briefing

Brie Loskota delivered the following remarks at a Faith and Diplomacy Briefing in Washington, D.C. on April 11, 2011. The event was sponsored by the USC Center on Public Diplomacy. I was …

Homeboy, Bieber and the Brand-value of God

This post originally appeared on Trans/Missions, the USC Knight Chair in Media and Religion site. A few weeks ago I walked into my hometown Ralph’s grocery store in a suburb of Los …

The Pope on Condoms: Where the Rubber Meets the Road

This post originally appeared on Trans-Missions, the USC Knight Chair in Media and Religion site. Many theologians, reporters and devout Catholics uttered a collective “whaaat?!?” when the Holy See announced that condoms …

Whom You Do vs. What You Do

This post originally appeared at Trans/missions, the USC Knight Chair in Media and Religion site. With an important election looming, our constantly simmering political contest over “values” is once again at full …

I’m Out of Here, For Christ’s Sake

This post was originally published on Trans/Missions, the USC Knight Chair in Media and Religion site. The sky is falling and apparently it’s taking organized religion with it. That’s the take-away message …

My iPhone is My Co-Pilot

This post originally appeared on Trans/Missions, the USC Knight Chair in Media and Religion site. The only thing Americans seem to like more than the culture war is trying to make money …

Is “Buy Christian” the New “Buy American”?

Brie Loskota on investing according to “Christian beliefs”