USC Dornsife College Of Letters Arts and Sciences

University of Southern California



L.A. Times: Najuma Smith on the LAPD Civilian Review Process

The Los Angeles Times interviewed CRCC’s Najuma Smith about her decision to volunteer for Los Angeles Police Department civilian review process. The Times investigation found that some reviewers have been chosen repeatedly …

Layli Miller Muro: Protecting the Rights of Migrants

As a lawyer and a member of the Baha’i faith, Layli Miller-Muro believes the pursuit of justice is a divine calling. When she was in law school in 1996, Miller-Muro successfully helped …

Self-Care for Faith Leaders: Thriving Congregations Conversation with Dr. Thema Bryant

Pepperdine University Professor and 2023 President of the American Psychological Association, Dr. Thema Bryant spoke about the lingering impact of the pandemic on faith leaders and congregations. This was recorded as part …

Shifting Your Mindset About Church Leadership: Thriving Congregations Conversation with Quentin P. Kinnison

Fresno Pacific University, Associate Professor Quentin P. Kinnison, provides insights on what it means to transform pastoral leadership. This was recorded as part of the USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture’s …

Thriving (or Just Surviving): 2023 Trends to Watch in Religion and Society

If CRCC’s annual trends to watch have been growing more ominous in recent years, then 2023 feels like a pivotal year for many of the issues we’ve been tracking:  Like our final …

Holistic Resilience: Why Some Spiritual Exemplars Question Suffering as a Path to Resilience

When CRCC’s “Spiritual Exemplars Project” team was invited to present about “resilience,” it was easy to think of many examples within our sample of 100+ spiritually engaged humanitarians who had endured and …

Sister Norma Pimentel: The Hands and Voice of God for Migrants at the US/Mexico Border

Sister Norma Pimentel is one of the nation’s leading voices calling for new and more just immigration policies. As executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley in Texas, she …

Conflict and Congregations: How Churches Respond to Politics and the Pandemic

As the 2022 midterm elections approach, little can be predicted—except, perhaps, that they will further cement the deep divides in our country. Those divides often extend into religious congregations. CRCC is a …

Rabbi Delphine Horvilleur: Musing on Mortality from a French Feminist Rabbi

This article was originally published by the New York Times, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality.  Rabbi Delphine Horvilleur thinks a lot about death. In years past, she would typically …

Los Angeles City Hall building rises into a blue sky, with sun shining from the right. American flags hang off the edge of city hall.

Finding Accountability and a Moral Agenda After Revelations of Racism in City Hall

Politicians are elected to represent all of their constituents, not just those who voted for or supported them. They should be fair-minded and not traffic in exclusionary or discriminatory practices, or promote …

KPCC: Najuma Smith-Pollard on LA Council Members’ Racist Remarks

Faith leaders are among those calling for accountability after the revelations of racist comments in a conversation between some of Los Angeles’ top Latino political leaders. The Rev. Dr. Najuma Smith-Pollard spoke …

Ruth Messinger: The New York City Politician’s Long Second Act Honors ‘an Obligation to Respond’

This article was originally published by Religion News Service, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality.  (RNS) — New Yorkers of a certain age remember Ruth Messinger as a city …

RNS: Gajaweera on Buddhism and Sri Lanka’s Recent Protest Movement

Protests that led to Sri Lanka’s President Gotabaya Rajapaksa resignation have raised questions about the role of Buddhism in the country’s politics. Religion News Service interviewed CRCC’s Nalika Gajaweera about the Buddhist …

Sister Agatha Chikelue: Committed to Building Peace in Nigeria

This article was originally published by Global Sisters Report, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality.  When she was an infant, Agatha Chikelue became gravely ill. Her parents took her to …

Reimagining (Again): Key Lessons on Ministry Sustainability in a Post-Pandemic World

The USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture (CRCC) recently held its first in-person event since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in late 2019. More than 70 clergy and faith-inspired community …

NY Times: Najuma Smith-Pollard on Abortion Views in Black Communities

Among Black Americans, support for reproductive rights is connected with their concern for broader civil rights, the New York Times reports. The article frames CRCC’s Rev. Dr. Najuma Smith-Pollard as helping shape …

CRCC on Religion and Reproductive Rights After the Overturning of Roe v Wade

Discussions about reproductive rights continue to circulate in the religious community after the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. CRCC’s Rev. Dr. Najuma Smith-Pollard and Richard Flory have been interviewed …

American Theocracy Is Bad for Everyone–Including White Christian Nationalists

As we marked the 246th anniversary of our country’s independence from a despotic regime that fused church and state power, the staff of the USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture gathered …

Roundtable of Faith Leaders and Vice President Kamala Harris on Reproductive Health

Vice President Kamala Harris recently hosted a roundtable with faith leaders on the state of reproductive health care in the United States. The event, held at the Los Angeles County Federation of …

Voice of San Diego: Richard Flory on a Right-Wing Church

The Voice of San Diego profiled Awaken, a local evangelical church that has become a center for right-wing political organizing. CRCC’s Richard Flory provided context for conservative political activism of evangelical churches. …