North American Buddhist communities have been and continue to be sites of sexual violations and power abuses. “Sexual Abuse, Whiteness and Patriarchy” is the first in a series of conversations that brings together practitioners and scholars to examine multiple dimensions of abuse in Buddhist contexts and articulate best practices for building safe and inclusive sanghas.
Moderator: Dr. Nalika Gajaweera, USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture
Panelists: Lama Rod Owens and Dr. Shante Paradigm Smalls (JoAnna Hardy was scheduled to speak but was unable to attend due to illness).
“Abuse, Sex and the Sangha: A Series of Healing Conversations” is sponsored by the Religion & Sexual Abuse Project, funded in part by The Henry Luce Foundation.
Nalika Gajaweera was a senior research analyst with the USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture through 2023.