June 28, 2018
“We Decided to be Builders”
Brie Loskota was a guest on Edina Lekovic’s Meeting the Moment podcast episode 10, where she discussed the origins of CRCC’s AMCLI program and the Generation Change program, a global youth peace-building program of the United States Institute of Peace in partnership with CRCC.
May 15, 2018
AMCLI: Building a Dynamic National Network of American Muslim Leadership
In 2016, we convened alumni from all different cohorts from the past decade to increase interconnectedness of all organizations working in the different fields for the betterment of all Americans.
January 8, 2018
Religion & Politics Features AMCLI – The Influential Network of American Muslim Leaders
The American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute is “one of the country’s most influential networks of American Muslim civic leaders,” according to an article profiling the group in Religion & Politics.
June 20, 2011
L.A. Times: Working to Boost Social Activism Among Muslims
The Los Angeles Times quoted Brie Loskota, CRCC managing director, in an article about CRCC’s American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute partnership with the Jewish Funds for Justice program, the Community Organizing Residency.