The USC Murray Center seeks to train faith-based non-profit leaders from Los Angeles and Orange counties and increase their capacity in fund raising, community development, technology and social media, civic engagement and leadership in order to create healthy neighborhoods. The Capacity Building Series are one-off workshops open to the public and directed to Murray Center alumni, faith leaders and non-profit executives.
Join us at one or all of our workshops to strengthen your leadership and organization to have a greater social impact in your community.
Click the following links for a calendar listing of each workshop:
May 23: Fund Raising & Grant Writing Development
June 20: Technology & Social Media
July 11: Leadership & Board Development
Sept. 12 Sept 19: Civic Engagement: Effective Engagement with Local Politicians
EVENT CHANGE: For the Civic Engagement Workshop, please join us for the Moral Revival Mass Meeting at McCarty Memorial Christian Church on September 19 at 7:00 P.M. Click the event link for details.
Each sessions begins at 6:30 P.M. at the Murray Center.
For more information, contact:
Rev. Najuma Smith-Pollard by email at
With your name, organization and phone number