USC Dornsife College Of Letters Arts and Sciences

University of Southern California



KPCC Take Two: Brie Loskota on Making Sense of Tragedy

With vigils being held throughout the country after the massacre at Pulse nightclub in Orlando, KPCC asked Brie Loskota to address the urge to come together after national tragedies. Here are a …

The Conversion of Freddie Roach: Boxing Without Religion

This post originally appeared on Huffington Post. Freddie Roach is the best known and one of the most beloved trainers in the history of boxing. He has posed for more selfies than …

How Korea’s “Nones” Differ from Religiously Unaffiliated Americans

Looking at a simple pie chart depicting current patterns of affiliation in Los Angeles and Seoul—the comparison case in CRCC’s Religious Competition and Creative Innovation (RCCI) project—the cities seem remarkably similar. About …

A Religion Dispatches Roundtable Discussion on Religious “Nones”

Religion Dispatches’ Peter Laarman led a roundtable conversation on religious “nones” with Kaya Oakes, The Nones Are Alright: A New Generation of Seekers, Believers and Those in Between, Sikivu Hutchinson, atheist scholar and author, …

American Christianity Is Changing Fast: Five Stories to Watch in 2016

This post originally appeared on Religion Dispatches. While LGBT evangelicals cheered on the SCOTUS decision on gay marriage, evangelical institutions lobbied for the passage of “religious freedom” laws that would allow them …

The Top Five Religion Trends to Watch in 2016

From the rise of evangelical hipsters to the rise of religious “nones,” religion is in a period of flux as we end one year and look forward to the next. Here at …

Celebrating Christmas in an Age of Religious Extremism

This article was originally published on The Conversation. From the recent attack on Planned Parenthood to the shooting in San Bernardino, extremists of all stripes are revealing the ugly side of religion. …

#ReligionInSeoul: CRCC studies Religion in Korea

As a part of CRCC’s research on religious competition and creative innovation, the CRCC team traveled to Korea to see how religion is changing there. Seoul provides a comparison case for Los …

Charting the Future of Religion

This post originally appeared in Caring Magazine. At the start of a typical evening at Monday Night Mission, volunteers wiped down tables on a terrace outside a Burger King near Our Lady …

Do Millennials Care About Religion and the World Around Them?

Il Bo, the online magazine of the University of Padua in Italy, turned to Richard Flory to understand what to make of the falling religious participation of American Millennials. Although Google Translate …

What’s in a Name? Religious Nones and the American Religious Landscape

This post originally appeared on Religion Dispatches. Over the last several years the term religious “Nones” has become a major topic of discussion and analysis by those who pay attention to religious …

With Religious Affiliation on the Decline, What Should Happen to Hallowed Buildings?

This post originally appeared on Washington Post’s Acts of Faith blog. Katy Perry wants to live in a convent. No, she is not among the young women who want to become a …

Marginal Muslims: Questioning Religion in Indonesia

This post also appeared on Huffington Post Religion. “If Islam is a religion of peace, why are people so violent?” That rhetorical question brought me up short. I wasn’t watching Pamela Geller’s …

U.S. Christianity Is Dead, Long Live U.S. Christianity – The Implications of New Religious Affiliation Data

This post originally appeared at Religion Dispatches. the cluster of comment on the recently released report on the changing American religious landscape from the Pew Research Center, we have seen two basic story lines: the U.S. is …

International Business Times: Millennials Embrace Lent As New Social Media Trend

Why aren’t Millennials engaged in religion? And if young people are breaking away from religion, why do they embrace Lenten practices? CRCC responded to these two queries in articles timed for Holy …

Building the Future of Religion, One Burrito at a Time: Service Groups and Religious “Nones”

On a recent Thursday night, a group of about 75 volunteers for the Burrito Project commandeered the kitchen and fellowship hall at the Church of the Epiphany to make 1,000 burritos to …

The “Nones” Are Alright

This article originally appeared on Al Jazeera America. This article argues that far from becoming morally rudderless secular citizens, many religiously unaffiliated people are seeking ways of forming meaning and identity as …

The Wild, Wild West of Mindfulness

Diana Winston’s post-college spiritual journey was something of an anachronism. After she graduated from Brown in the late 1980s, Winston traveled to Southeast Asia, where she spent several years working with Theravada …

The Tidal Wave of Indifference: I Don’t Church, I Brunch

A lot has been written recently about the spiritual-but-not-religious crowd, or the “religious nones”–people who have no particular religious affiliation–and how their numbers are rapidly growing in the U.S. Recent reports place …

Meditation and Authenticity: Everything Old Is New Again

A mindfulness teacher loosely associated with Against the Stream described his unconventional approach to meditation–keep a notebook close at hand to record your thoughts and feelings–as a more faithful reflection of the …