USC Dornsife College Of Letters Arts and Sciences

University of Southern California



Sister Mary Catherine Redmond: Connection, Compassion and Care in a Bronx COVID-19 Ward

This article was originally published in Global Sisters Report, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality.  NEW YORK — In the first three months of the pandemic, Sr. Mary Catherine Redmond …

Rev. Anand Mathew: A Catholic Priest Takes on Interfaith Fight Against COVID-19 in India

This article was originally published in Religion News Service, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality.  VARANASI, India — Wearing a lilac tunic with a coarse cotton towel around his neck, …

Sister Mary Scullion: Fighting to End Homelessness in Philadelphia

This article was originally published in Global Sisters Report, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality.  PHILADELPHIA — On a recent late summer afternoon, Mercy Sr. Mary Scullion found herself, as she …

It Takes a Community and Resources to Become an Exemplar

I had the chance to meet with two exceptional women for the USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture’s global project on engaged spirituality: Makvala Margoshvili and Marie Stella Kouak. They were …

Marie Stella Kouak: The Togolese Nun Caring for AIDS Patients Amid COVID-19

This article was originally published in The Guardian, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality.  Dapaong is a buzzing, multi-religious city, 13 miles south of Togo’s border with Burkina Faso and …

Julie Coyne: Creating A Community of Care in Highland Guatemala

On any given afternoon, for the last 22 years, Julie Coyne has waited eagerly at the doorway to Education and Hope, green eyes twinkling. Children emerge from the surrounding streets dressed in …

Masue Katayama: Changing Nursing Care Industry in Japan with Kindness

This article was originally published in Religion News Service, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality. YOKOHAMA, Japan (RNS) — In what used to be an elementary school in …

Jerry Falwell Jr. will leave behind a very different legacy from his influential father

This article was originally published by The Conversation. Jerry Falwell Jr., son and namesake of the founder of the evangelical Moral Majority movement, has resigned as president of Liberty University. The resignation …

Newsweek: Flory on Trump’s Waning White Evangelical Support

Donald Trump’s approval rate among white evangelicals has slipped since the onset of the pandemic in March. What does this signify for Trump’s re-election campaign? In an article about the 2020 Republican …

RNS: Flory on Harvest Crusade Transforming Into a Cinematic Experience

Tens of thousands of people gather in Anaheim’s Angel Stadium every August for the Harvest Crusade, a weekend-long evangelistic event featuring Christian music artists and special guests. But this year, amid a …

RNS: In Togo, a Catholic nun fights COVID-19 for the sake of her AIDS patients

This article was originally published in Religion News Service, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality.  (RNS) — “Here, people won’t die from COVID-19 but mostly from its consequences,” said Sister …

Pat Murphy and Joann Persch: Two Nuns Determined to Help Detained Immigrants

This radio documentary was produced by KALW’s The Spiritual Edge, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality. To hear this and other profiles, subscribe to The Spiritual Edge podcast in your …

RNS: Indian Priest Warner D’Souza Makes The Kitchen His Pulpit Amidst the Pandemic

This article was originally published in Religion News Service with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality. MUMBAI, India (RNS) — From his kitchen in a suburb of North Mumbai, 50-year-old Catholic …

Jacques Mourad: The Syrian Catholic Priest Who Stayed

This article was originally published as the cover story of the March 2, 2020 issue of America Magazine, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality.  It became clear that …

Ismael “Melo” Moreno: A Voice of Opposition in Honduras

This radio documentary was produced by KALW’s The Spiritual Edge, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality. To hear this and other profiles, subscribe to The Spiritual Edge podcast in your …

Deseret News: Flory on Justin Bieber’s Christianity

Why does it seem that everyone is buzzing about Justin Bieber’s faith? Deseret News interviewed Richard Flory on the allure of celebrity Christians. Here is an excerpt: That’s been the case for …

The Roaring 20s: Religion Trends to Watch in 2020 and the Next Decade 

The 1920s was a decade of change, and we see the 2020s as reminiscent of the cultural flux of that period. When people think of the 1920s, many imagine a golden era …

Washington Post & RNS: Flory on Pentecostal Church’s Attempt to Resurrect a Child

Hundreds of congregants attempted to resurrect a 2-year-old girl with song and dance at Bethel Church in Redding, California. The Washington Post and Religious News Service interviewed Richard Flory on Pentecostal beliefs …

Deseret News: Richard Flory on the Instagrammable Bible and Kanye’s Christianity

Young Christian entrepreneurs are bringing an Instagram aesthetic to the Bible. Alabaster Co. produces books of the Bible with large, artistic images. The Deseret News asked Richard Flory, CRCC’s Senior Director of …

The Guardian: Flory on the Rise of Pentecostalism in America

Today’s Pentecostalism in America is not what it used to be. As Australian Pentecostal groups – such as Hillsong, C3, and A21 – are rapidly growing across America, they are also transforming …