USC Dornsife College Of Letters Arts and Sciences

University of Southern California



Umar Hakim: Humanitarian Day Reborn for a Ramadan in a Pandemic

This article was originally published in The Washington Post and Religion News Service, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality. Last year, Ramadan ended just days before the murder …

Part Three: Safety, Creating Moments of Sakina

Resilience is not about “powering through” on an empty tank; resilience is about how we replenish along the way. The Arabic word sakinah, or comfort and serenity, connects to the word sakan, …

Annenberg News: Soraya Ahyaudin on Second Pandemic Ramadan

Muslims are celebrating their second Ramadan during the global COVID-19 pandemic, restricting the ability to break the fast and pray together. Annenberg Media spoke with Soraya Ahyaudin, director of the American Muslim …

Part One: Mercy and Compassion

Rest: In these first ten days, let us consider the multitude of ways in which Ramadan offers us a much-needed break from our pursuit of consumption. In the Qur’an, we understand that, …

Healing Heartwork Toolkit: Exploring Self

Deepening our understanding of Islamic tools for healing, self-care, and community care In response to the emerging needs of AMCLI fellows, AMCLI launched a new series called “Healing Heartwork” in Ramadan 2021 …

Fazlun Khalid: Environmentalism Is Intrinsic To Islam

This article was originally published in Religion Unplugged, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality.  LONDON — “The environment” is a relatively recent concept. Thomas Carlyle is believed to have …

Aisha al-Adawiya: Making Space For Women In Mosques

This radio documentary was produced by KALW’s The Spiritual Edge, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality. Listen to it on The Spiritual Edge’s website. To hear this and other profiles, subscribe …

AMCLI Advisory Council 2021-2022

In 2006, a group of Muslim civic leaders came together and shared ideas, stories, disappointments, and triumphs. They developed a renewed sense of community and cultivated a shared belief that their civic …

The Women Sustaining Sufism—and an Activist—in Tunisia

Priyadarshini Sen reported from Tunisia as part of CRCC’s Global Project on Engaged Spirituality. On a hilltop overlooking western Tunis, the whitewashed shrine of Syeda Manouba—a Sufi saint of the 13th century …

It Takes a Community and Resources to Become an Exemplar

I had the chance to meet with two exceptional women for the USC Center for Religion and Civic Culture’s global project on engaged spirituality: Makvala Margoshvili and Marie Stella Kouak. They were …

Sameer: Leading the Peaceful Resistance Against Israeli Occupation

This radio documentary was produced by KALW’s The Spiritual Edge, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality.  To hear this and other profiles, subscribe to The Spiritual Edge podcast in …

Dr. Mohammed Elgazzar: Saving Lives Across the Battle Lines

This article was originally published in Religion Unplugged, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality.  ALEXANDRIA, Egypt — the city of learned philosophers and a once-great library, named after …

The Moroccan School Training Women Imams To Combat Extremism

This article was originally published in Religion Unplugged, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality. It supplements Priyadarshini Sen’s profile of Ahmed Toufiq.  RABAT, Morocco — Wearing an embroidered …

Imam Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye: Bringing Peace to Warring Nigerian Communities

This article was originally published in Premium Times, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality.  For the greater part of May 2, 2004, 40-year-old Amina Abubakar endured nine-month-old pregnancy …

Ahmed Toufiq: The Quiet Sufi Behinds Morocco’s Islamic Affairs

This article was originally published in Religion Unplugged, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality.  In the cavernous dining room of an artist-friend, Ahmed Toufiq quickly eats a fresh …

Fachruddin Mangunjaya: Fusing Faith, Education and Environmentalism

This article was originally published in Global Landscapes Forum, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality.  When Fachruddin Mangunjaya was researching his master’s dissertation in 2006 on attitudes toward …

Badr Baabou: LGBTQ Activist in Tunisia

This article was originally published in Religion News Service, with the support of CRCC’s global project on engaged spirituality.  Every month, 39-year-old Badr Baabou visits the whitewashed Sufi shrine of Aisha Al-Manoubya …

African American Muslims and the LAPD: Moving from Stories to Solutions

This article originally appeared in BOOM California. “We don’t want to walk into a kumbaya situation,” said Umar Hakim. The sixteen men and women gathered around a conference table in Inglewood simultaneously …

Sexual Assault During Hajj: Will #MosqueMeToo Lead to Reforms in Mecca?

In February of 2018, inspired by the #MeToo movement, Muslim women took to social media to describe sexual harassment and assault in the holiest shrines of the Islamic faith: the Kaabah in …

LA Times: Thai Masjid Serves Diverse Group of Muslims

Masjid al-Fatiha started as a Thai Muslim house of worship, and has grown to incorporate worshippers from around the globe. The Los Angeles Times featured the masjid–started by the family of CRCC’s …