USC Dornsife College Of Letters Arts and Sciences

University of Southern California



500 Years After the Reformation, Religion Is Undergoing Creative Destruction

Five hundred years ago, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses on a church door in Wittenberg, Germany. He aimed to protest the Catholic Church’s practice of issuing indulgences and other abuses of …

Embodied Religion: Reassessing the Role of the “Senses” in Religious Research

We often make the mistake of identifying religious vitality with assent to particular beliefs. In this process, we forget that intellectual assent to beliefs is merely one element of religious experience. I …

A New Post-Election Religious Alignment

This post originally appeared at On Faith. After a long election season in which it seemed that religion, for once, wasn’t the big story, we found out that eight out of 10 …

Making Evangelical America Great Again: Trump and “Wall” Christians

Along with many other observers, I have been struggling to understand how nearly 80 percent of white evangelical Protestant voters can support Donald Trump, someone who has a dubious church-going record and …

A Time for Moral Reflection – The Silver Lining After the Orlando Shooting

In the horror of the Orlando massacre, there may be a silver lining. This event, as well as the killings at Emanuel Church in Charleston one year ago and other national atrocities, …

Women Deacons or Not, Future of Religious Life Lies in Global Sisterhood

Pope Francis’ openness to having a Vatican commission study the possibility of ordaining women deacons has created a great deal of discussion in recent weeks. It’s significant that he made this statement …

101 Years After the Armenian Genocide: Pass These 3 Lessons on to your Children

Donald Miller gave this speech at the Armenian Genocide Martyrs Monument in Montebello, CA on April 23. As we look back on the Armenian genocide from the perspective of 101 years, it is useful to …

It’s Time to Invent Rituals for Retirement

This post originally appeared on Next Avenue and Forbes. Every day, as you may have heard, 10,000 people in the United States turn 65. The financial industry advertises to this retirement cohort …

Celebrating Christmas in an Age of Religious Extremism

This article was originally published on The Conversation. From the recent attack on Planned Parenthood to the shooting in San Bernardino, extremists of all stripes are revealing the ugly side of religion. …

A Pragmatist’s View of Religion

It is reasonably easy to be an armchair critic of religion. There are ample examples of religious leaders who compromise the values of their tradition, and the fundamentalists of every religion are …

Rwanda Rising

(Photo: Lorna Miller with family friends in Kigali) The slogan “Never Again” rings false to me, since a more appropriate refrain seems to be “Once Again,” especially given what happened in Darfur …

Spirit and Power: The Growth and Global Impact of Pentecostalism

Spirit and Power: The Growth and Global Impact of Pentecostalism Donald E. Miller, Kimon Sargeant, and Richard Flory, editors (Oxford University Press: 2013)       From the publisher’s description: Pentecostalism is …

The Dream Center: Spirit-Infused and Socially Engaged Urban Ministry

This article appeared in PentecoStudies: An Interdisciplinary Journal for Research on the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements (Vol 11, No 1). Abstract: In this article we investigate the Dream Center, a large-scale Pentecostal …

Ten Predictions for Religion in 2012

Donald Miller, Firestone Professor of Religion and executive director of the Center for Religion and Civic Culture, offers ten predictions for 2012 and the rest of the decade. 1. Religion will be …

Religion and Youth

Religion and Youth Sylvia Collins-Mayo, Editor (Routledge: 2011)             What is the future of religion given the responses of young people? What impact do existing religious forms …

Hearings on Radicalization Ignore Religion’s Complexity

Congressman Peter King, the chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, will begin hearings on the radicalization of American Muslims on Thursday, March 10, 2011. Not only is this witch-hunt morally dubious, …

Finding Faith: The Spiritual Quest of the Post-Boomer Generation

Finding Faith: The Spiritual Quest of the Post-Boomer Generation Richard Flory & Donald E. Miller (Rutgers University Press: 2008)             Despite the masses still lining up to …

Global Pentecostalism: The New Face of Christian Social Engagement

Global Pentecostalism: The New Face of Christian Social Engagement Donald E. Miller & Tetsunao Yamamori, Authors (University of California Press: 2007)           How and why is Christianity’s center …

A Sociology of Spirituality

A Sociology of Spirituality Kieran Flanagan, editor (Routledge: 2007)             The emergence of spirituality in contemporary culture in holistic forms suggests that organised religions have failed. This …

Orphans of the Rwanda Genocide

Orphans of the Rwanda Genocide Donald E. Miller and Lorna Touryan Miller (Center for Religion and Civic Culture 2004) “Do you realize the weight of living with someone who killed your family? …